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Icom IC-A220TSO (ICOM-A220TSO)

High-Quality Panel Mount Radio with Clear Visibility OLED Screen - TSO APPROVED

TSO-C128a, TSO-C169a
The IC-A220 TSO version can be used as a primary VHF radio in general aviation (part 23) aircraft*. The IC-A220 TSO version is also accepted as an ETSO radio under the TSO/ETSO reciprocal acceptance policy.

Dimensions (W×H×D):
160 mm × 34 mm × 271 mm
(Projections not included)

Weight (approx.):
1.2 kg

Lead time: 4 weeks



2.293,60€  Inc Tax
Icom MBA-3 (ICOM-MBA-3)
Icom MBA-3 Rear Panel Adapter
Card edge connector to install an aviation transceiver to the PS-80 or MB-53
97,60€  Inc Tax
Icom IC-A120E VHF Air Band Transceiver (ICOM-A120E)

The Icom IC-A120E VHF mobilna letalska radijska postaja.

Preglednost, enostavna uporaba
DotMatrix LCD zaslon omogoča pregleden prikaz alfa numeričnih znakov in ikon. Programiranje spominskih kanalov in drugih nastavitev radijske postaje je možno preko tipk in gumbov na sprednjem panelu postaje. Po potrebi se lahko te funkcije tudi onemogoči (odvisno od namena uporabe postaje).

Uporaba Bluetooth® slušalk (dodatna oprema)*
Z dodatno enoto UT-133A Bluetooth®, se lahko IC-A120E uporablja tudi preko brezžičnih Bluetooth® slušalk tretjih proizvajalcev. Z uporabno dodatnega modula VS-3, Bluetooth® slušalk, pa je na voljo tudi "Side Tone" funkcija.

Aktivno dušenje hrupa iz okolja (ANC - Active Noise Cancelling)
TRadijska postaja ima vgrajeno funkcijo za zmanjševanje hrupa (Active Noise Canceling – ANC) iz okolja pri sprejemanju oz. oddajanju. Vgrajena funkcija ANC je še posebej uporabna v okoljih z visokim hrupom (npr. letališča). postaja ima tudi ANL* (Automatic Noise Limiter) funkcijo, ki omogoča zmanjševanje učinkov pulznega hrupa, kor je na primer vžig motorja.

* ANL in ANC funkciji ne moreta biti aktivni istočasno

Stopnja zaščite pred trdnimi delci in vplivi vode IP54
Stopnja zaščite pred trdnimi stvarmi in vplivi vode pri radijski postaji IC-A120E ustreza standardu IP54. Njena konstrukcija omogoča, da se uporablja lahko tudi v odprtih vozilih.

Funkciji "Dual Watch" in "On-Hook" skeniranje
Funkcija dvojnega spremljanja izmenično preverja prioriteno in delovno frekvenco. In-Hook funkcija omogoča, da se začne skeniranje frekvenc avtomatsko takoj, ko vstavimo ročnega mikrofon na zatič. Skeniranje se prekine, ko mikrofon odstranimo iz zatiča na postaji. Skeniranje se ustavi na prioritetni frekvenci ali trenutno prikazani frekvenci, odvisno od predhodnih nastavitev.

Funkcija "Side Tone"
Funkcija omogoča nadzor lastnega glasu preko slušalk, ki jih na radijsko postajo priključimo preko dodatnega modula OPC-871A. Side tone funkcija deluje tudi, ko uporabljamo ročni mikrofon in slušalke.
* Potreben je dodatna oprema OPC-871.

Dodatni mikrofon z zvočnikom, HM-217
Vgrajeni zvočnik na enoti HM-217 omogoča sprejem zvoka s približanjem omenjnega zvočnika tesno k ušesu. Vgrajenima gumboma (P1/P2) lahko nastavimo bljižnice za najbolj pogosto uporabljene funkcije.

Ostale funkcije:
  • vklop je lahko zaščiten z geslom
  • možnost programiranja postaje preko osebnega računalnika
  • podpora za 12- and 24- V
  • 36W (P.E.P) RF izhodna moč
  • spremljanje dveh kanalov, skeniranje prioritetne frekvence
  • DV-I ukazi za zunanji nadzor
  • VE-PG3 RoIP gateway za povezovanje z drugimi radio napravami
  • skladna z določili E-Mark za vgradnjo v vozila

Tehnični podatki


Frekvenčno območje: 118.000 – 136.992 MHz
Frekvenčni razmik med kanali (izbirno): 25 kHz / 8.33 kHz auto selection

Vrsta modulacije:

A3E (AM)
Število spominskih kanalov (12 alfanumeričnih znakov za opis kanala): 200
Antenski priključek: M type (50 Ω)
Napajanje: 13.75 V DC / 27.5 V DC

Poraba toka (pri 13.75 V DC):


5.0 A max.

4.0 A (AF max.)
0.5 A (stanje pripravljenosti)
Stabilnost frekvence: ±1 ppm (0°C to +40°C)
Temperaturno območje: –20°C to +55°C


Izhodna moč (pri 13.75GV)
(Carrier Power):
(–20°C to +55°C)
Modulacija: Linear 85%
Max. 95%
Neželeno sevanje:
(*Harmonično/Ne-harmonično, 30MHz - 1GHz)
manj kot –36 dBm
manj kot –46 dBm*
Impedanca mikrofona: 600 Ω


Vmesna frekvenca: (1.) 38.85 MHz
(2.) 450 kHz
Občutljivost: 1.8 μV (12dB SINAD)
Selektivnost: 8.33 kHz
25 kHz ch
2.778/7.37kHz (6 dB/60dB)
8/25kHz (6dB/60dB)
Spurious response: več kot 70 dB
Audio izhodna moč
Interni SP (8Ω load)
Zunanji SP (8Ω load)
Slušalke (500Ω load):
(10% popačenje, 60% modulacija)
1.5W tipično
več kot 10W
več kot 100mW

Naprava je skladna z naslednjim U.S vojaškimi specifikacijami

Standard: MIL 810 G
Metoda Procedura
Nizek pritisk 500.5 I,II
Visoka temperatura 501.5 I,II
Nizka temperatura 502.5 I,II
Temperaturni sunek 503.5 I-C
Solarna radiacija 505.5 I
Vlaga 507.5 II
Vibracije 514.6 I
Sunki 516.6 I

Ustreza tudi ekvivalentnim MIL-STD-810-C, -D, -E in -F.

Stopnja zaščite pred trdnimi delci in vplivi vode

Stopnja zaščite pred vdori
Prah in voda IP54 (zaščita pred trdimi delci in vodo)

V kompletu z radijsko postajo IC-A120E se nahaja:
  • ročni mikrofon, HM-216
  • DC priključni kabel
  • držalo z amikrofon
  • nosilci za vgradnjo
  • varovalke

Dimenzija (Š×V×D):
161 mm × 45 mm × 175 mm

Teža (pribl.):
1.5 kg



1.211,46€  Inc Tax
Icom BP-208N Battery Case (IC-A6E/24E) (ICOM-BP-208N)

Icom BP-208N Battery Case
Icom BP-208N Battery Case (6x Alkaline AA/LR6 Batteries) for use with Icom IC-A6E and IC-A24E transceivers. Belt Clip MB-103 can be used with this battery case.

*Radio, Belt Clip MB-103 and Batteries are not included.

28,00€  Inc Tax
Icom antenna FA-B02AR (ICOM-FA-B02AR)
Icom antenna FA-B02AR
New Icom FA-B02AR Air Band Antenna for:
19,90€  Inc Tax
Yaesu antenna SRA-20A (SRA-20A)
Yaesu Airband Replacement Antenna
Rubber helix antenna aeronautical radio, with BNC connector.
Replacement Antenna for:
  • FTA-450L,
  • FTA-550L,
  • FTA-750L,
  • FTA-850L
20,25€  Inc Tax
Icom MB-96F Fixed Hanger (ICOM-MB-96F)

Icom MB-96F Fixed Type Belt Hanger
Icom MB-96F Fixed Type Belt Hanger (For use with MB-103) for different types of Transceivers.

28,90€  Inc Tax
Icom MB-96N Swivel Hanger (ICOM-MB-96N)

Icom MB-96N Swivel Hanger
Icom MB-96N Swivel (Leather) Type Belt Hanger for different types of Transceivers.

32,90€  Inc Tax
Icom OPC-478UC Programming Cable (OPC-478UC)
Icom OPC-478UC Programming Cable
Icom OPC-478UC Programming Cable for USB gate

Compatible with: IC-R20, IC-RX7, IC-A6E, IC-A24E, ...
68,32€  Inc Tax
Icom OPC-592 Adapter Cable (OPC-592)
Icom OPC-592 adapter Cable
Icom OPC-592 adapter Cable to combine with OPC-478 for following transceivers programming:
  • IC-A110EURO
  • IC-A120EURO
23,50€  Inc Tax
PS30SWI Switching Power Supply (PS30SWI)
QJE PS30SWI 30 Amp Switch Mode DC Power Supply, 13,8 volts / 30 amps.
The PS30 provides a front mounted, backlit voltage and current meter, which provides the owner an immediate, visibile and accurate indication as to the exact voltage and amperage that the unit is delivering. In terms of power delivery the PS30SWI offers a 13.8 VDC supply at 20 amps continuous, 30 amps surge supply.

The latest from the QJE range, an all new 30amp switch mode DC power supply. QJE are renowned in the CB, amateur radio and electronics market for producing high quality and reliable power supplies.

First and foremost the PS30 provides a front mounted, backlit voltage and current meter, which provides the owner an immediate, visibile and accurate indication as to the exact voltage and amperage that the unit is delivering. In terms of power delivery the PS30SWI offers a 13.8 VDC supply at 20 amps continuous, 30 amps surge supply. Uniquely, unlike lesser non-branded models, the output voltage is internally adjustable from 9.0 to 15.0 VDC. A standard universal 'cigarette' lighter plug is built into the front of the metal chassis for low current (10A) accessories. In addition to the front panel DC socket a pair of large, high current, red and black terminals are provided on the rear panel which are cable of delivering a safe 30a current for more demanding power requirements.

The PS30SWI has a Noise Off-Set control that can be adjusted to eliminate pulse noise from the power supply. It also offers short-circuit protection, over-current protection, plus a user replaceable fuse (8A). For longevity a quiet cooling fan is mounted on the back panel which is thermostatically controlled as required.

PS30SWI Specifications:

  • Short Circuit Protection: YES
  • Over Current Proection: YES
  • Fan Cooled: YES
  • Operating Mode: 13.8vDC @ 20a Continuous (30a Surge)
  • Output Voltage Regulation: <2% Variance
  • Output Voltage Adjustment: 9.0 - 15.0 v DC
  • Front DC Socket Capacity: 10a
  • Rear Terminal Capacity: 30a
  • Metric Dimensions: 70mm (h) x 150mm (w) x220mm (d)
  • Metric Weight: 1.5 kg
Power Supply suitable for:
105,90€  Inc Tax
Icom IC-F27SR PMR446 (ICOM-F27SR)

Icom IC-F27SR PMR446
The IC-F27SR professional Licence Free Two Way Radio

As the successor of the IC-F25SR, the IC-F27SR retains the “simple to use” philosophy with the nonkeypad and non-LCD appearance which can be used with little or no training.

The IC-F27SR provides 800mW (typical) loud and intelligible audio, built-in VOX functions and longer operating time.

  • Licence-free communications
  • Simple operation for instant communication
  • 285 gr. lightweight and compact body (with BP-265 battery pack)
  • 35.5 hours of operating time with BP-265 Li-Ion battery pack
  • Internal VOX function (Optional headset and adapter cable required)
  • IP54 and MIL-STD-810 ruggedness
  • Same options as "IC-F3002/F4002" series handhelds are available
  • CTCSS and DTCS tone squelch for group call

High Performance, Professional Licence Free Radio.
Outstanding audio quality, high performance and commercial build make the IC-F27SR the ideal licence free radio. This licence free radio is ideal for users in diverse areas such as construction, catering, event management, shopping centres, factories, farms as well as serious outdoor enthusiasts. It has durable and reliable construction to withstand serious usage for a long time.

Up to 35.5 hours of operating time
The IC-F27SR features highly efficient circuitry, providing up to a massive 35.5 hours of operating time* with the supplied BP-265 2000mAh lithium-ion battery pack. This means it can be comfortably last an entire shift.

* Tx: Rx: Stand-by =5: 5: 90 with power save ON. 24.8 hours with BP-264

Outstanding audio quality
800mW audio output is provided from the large 45mm speaker meaning the IC-F27SR can deliver loud and intelligible audio even in extremely noisy environments such as a busy shop floor or construction site.

Just three main controls
Transmit button, volume control and channel selector. This simple to use radio is ideal for high turnover environments and shift work where the radio is constantly passed from person to person.

Lightweight, Compact Body
Easily fits into your shirt pocket. 58 x 186* x 36.5 mm (*Includes antenna) compact dimensions and 285 g.(Includes BP-265). Small size and lightweight (285g) makes this transceiver ideal for all users.

Non-slip, large PTT
The large PTT button is designed to provide non-slip, confident-click, even when wearing gloves.

Commercial grade construction
The IC-F27SR is extremely rugged. It has been tested to 11 categories of environmental military standards for dust protection and water resistance making it ideally suited for outdoor use.

Internal VOX for Hands-free operation
Built-in VOX function provides convenient hands-free operation, when used with our optional headset adapter cable.

500mW output power
The IC-F27SR delivers 500mW (ERP) output power and provides up to 3km* (approx.) coverage. * Depending on the operating environment, weather conditions, etc.

Rotary channel selector
It has a 16-position rotary selector with pre-programmed memory channels (8 8). CTCSS (or DTCS) group code can be programmed by yourself.

Bright 3-color LED
The bright LED shows the operating status: red for transmit, green for listening, or orange for low battery, etc.


Power / volume knob

Upper / lower buttons
Two key functions can be programmed by yourself cloning software. Programmable items are Scan, Priority, Memory, Key lock, Surveillance and Siren functions.

Hands-free operation
Built-in VOX function provides convenient hands-free operation, when used with optional headset with plug adapter cable OPC-2004.

MIL-STD rugged construction
The radio is tested to IP54 and 11 categories of MIL-STD 810 F environmental tests.

Other features
  • Surveillance function turns off the LED and beep sound
  • Siren function can be used for security alarm
  • Power save function
  • Low battery alert
  • Time-out- timer function
  • Monitor function
  • TX Channel and talk back functions for quick response while scanning
  • Radio-to-radio quick cloning capability

Supplied Accessories

*Tx: Rx: Stand-by=5:5:90. Power save function ON.


Frequency coverage: 446.00625 ~ 446.09375 MHz
Mode: FM (8K50F3E)
Antenna impedance: 50 Ohm
Power supply: 7.2VDC
Current drain: TX: 400 mA
RX: 330 mA (AF max.)
70 mA (stand-by)
Frequency stability: ±2.5ppm
Operating temperature range: -25° to 55°C
Dimensions (WxHxD): 58 x 186 x 36.5 mm
Weight: 285 gr.
Output power: 500 mW ERP
Maximum deviation: ±2.5kHz
Spurious emissions: 0.25µW
Adjacent Ch. power: -60 dB
Ext. mic. connector: 3-conductor 2.5(d)mm/2.2 kOhm
Receiver system: double conversion superheterodyne
Sensitivity: 26.5 dBµV/m emf (at 20dB SINAD)
Squelch Sensitivity: 26.5 dBµV/m
Adjacent Ch. selectivity: 81.29 dBµV/m
Spurious response: 91.29 dBµV/m
Intermodulation rejection ratio: 86.29 dBµV/m
Audio output power:
(at 5% distortion)
Internal Speaker
800mW (typical) with a 12 Ohm load
External Speaker
400mW (typical) with an 8 Ohm load



185,00€  Inc Tax
Icom OPC-2004 (ICOM-OPC-2004)

Icom OPC-2004
Icom Headset Interface Cables
Headset Interface Cable, ICOM, Dual HT Plug, Right Angle, Each

Icom headset interface cables adapt your headset to your radio. These adapter cables allow you to use your HS-Series single pin headsets with your mobile radios. Headsets let you hear more clearly, so get yours connected properly with Icom headset interface cables.

OPC-2004 is required when using the HS-94, HS-95 and HS-97 with some transceivers.

24,10€  Inc Tax
Icom HS-97 (ICOM-HS-97)
Icom HS-97 Earphone with Throat microphone
  • Employs a microphone that detects throat vibrations and can be used in noisy environments.
  • Use together with a PTT switch box or VOX unit
  • Hands-free operation.

The HS-97 throat mic is perfect for those who work in high noise environments, such as night clubs or machine shops. They are also very popular with outdoor sporting enthusiast. Rugged, and made by Icom, they are built to be reliable.

Can be combined with VOX unit VS-1L, VS-1L/SC, VS-4LA, VS-4MC or OPC-2004, OPC-2006, OPC-1392 interface cables.
25,00€  Inc Tax
Icom BP-263 Battery Case (IC-F27SR) (ICOM-BP-263)

Icom BP-263 Battery Case
Icom BP-263 Battery Case (6x Alkaline AA/LR6 batteries) for use with Transcievers.

    For Transceivers:
  • IC-F27SR
  • IC-V80E
  • IC-T70E
  • IC-F3002
  • IC-F4002
  • IC-F3102D
  • IC-F4102D

*Radio and Batteries are not included!

18,30€  Inc Tax
Icom BP-265N Li-Ion (IC-F27SR) (ICOM-BP-265)

Icom BP-265 Li-Ion Battery Pack for Transceivers

  • Voltage: 7.2 V
  • Max. current: 1900 mA (min) - 2000mA (Typ.) - 15Wh

For Transceivers:

  • IC-F27SR
  • IC-V80E
  • IC-T70E
  • IC-F3002
  • IC-F4002
  • IC-F3102D
  • IC-F4102D

Radio is not included.
36,60€  Inc Tax
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