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Izdelki, ki ustrezajo iskalnemu kriteriju

Razvrščeno po:  
2.293,60€  DDV vključen v ceno
288,16€  DDV vključen v ceno
365,02€  DDV vključen v ceno
316,35€  DDV vključen v ceno
426,51€  DDV vključen v ceno
528,99€  DDV vključen v ceno
547,48€  DDV vključen v ceno
23,50€  DDV vključen v ceno
Icom IC-A220TSO (ICOM-A220TSO)

High-Quality Panel Mount Radio with Clear Visibility OLED Screen - TSO APPROVED

TSO-C128a, TSO-C169a
The IC-A220 TSO version can be used as a primary VHF radio in general aviation (part 23) aircraft*. The IC-A220 TSO version is also accepted as an ETSO radio under the TSO/ETSO reciprocal acceptance policy.

Dimensions (W×H×D):
160 mm × 34 mm × 271 mm
(Projections not included)

Weight (approx.):
1.2 kg

Lead time: 4 weeks



2.293,60€  DDV vključen v ceno
Icom IC-A120E VHF letalska bazna postaja (ICOM-A120E)

Icom IC-A120E VHF letalska bazna postaja

Preglednost, enostavna uporaba
DotMatrix LCD zaslon omogoča pregleden prikaz alfa numeričnih znakov in ikon. Programiranje spominskih kanalov in drugih nastavitev radijske postaje je možno preko tipk in gumbov na sprednjem panelu postaje. Po potrebi se lahko te funkcije tudi onemogoči (odvisno od namena uporabe postaje).

Uporaba Bluetooth® slušalk (dodatna oprema)*
Z dodatno enoto UT-133A Bluetooth®, se lahko IC-A120E uporablja tudi preko brezžičnih Bluetooth® slušalk tretjih proizvajalcev. Z uporabno dodatnega modula VS-3, Bluetooth® slušalk, pa je na voljo tudi "Side Tone" funkcija.

Aktivno dušenje hrupa iz okolja (ANC - Active Noise Cancelling)
TRadijska postaja ima vgrajeno funkcijo za zmanjševanje hrupa (Active Noise Canceling – ANC) iz okolja pri sprejemanju oz. oddajanju. Vgrajena funkcija ANC je še posebej uporabna v okoljih z visokim hrupom (npr. letališča). postaja ima tudi ANL* (Automatic Noise Limiter) funkcijo, ki omogoča zmanjševanje učinkov pulznega hrupa, kor je na primer vžig motorja.

* ANL in ANC funkciji ne moreta biti aktivni istočasno

Stopnja zaščite pred trdnimi delci in vplivi vode IP54
Stopnja zaščite pred trdnimi stvarmi in vplivi vode pri radijski postaji IC-A120E ustreza standardu IP54. Njena konstrukcija omogoča, da se uporablja lahko tudi v odprtih vozilih.

Funkciji "Dual Watch" in "On-Hook" skeniranje
Funkcija dvojnega spremljanja izmenično preverja prioriteno in delovno frekvenco. In-Hook funkcija omogoča, da se začne skeniranje frekvenc avtomatsko takoj, ko vstavimo ročnega mikrofon na zatič. Skeniranje se prekine, ko mikrofon odstranimo iz zatiča na postaji. Skeniranje se ustavi na prioritetni frekvenci ali trenutno prikazani frekvenci, odvisno od predhodnih nastavitev.

Funkcija "Side Tone"
Funkcija omogoča nadzor lastnega glasu preko slušalk, ki jih na radijsko postajo priključimo preko dodatnega modula OPC-871A. Side tone funkcija deluje tudi, ko uporabljamo ročni mikrofon in slušalke.
* Potreben je dodatna oprema OPC-871.

Dodatni mikrofon z zvočnikom, HM-217
Vgrajeni zvočnik na enoti HM-217 omogoča sprejem zvoka s približanjem omenjnega zvočnika tesno k ušesu. Vgrajenima gumboma (P1/P2) lahko nastavimo bljižnice za najbolj pogosto uporabljene funkcije.

    Ostale funkcije:
    • vklop je lahko zaščiten z geslom
    • možnost programiranja postaje preko osebnega računalnika
    • podpora za 12- and 24- V
    • 36W (P.E.P) RF izhodna moč
    • spremljanje dveh kanalov, skeniranje prioritetne frekvence
    • DV-I ukazi za zunanji nadzor
    • VE-PG3 RoIP gateway za povezovanje z drugimi radio napravami
    • skladna z določili E-Mark za vgradnjo v vozila

      Tehnični podatki


      Frekvenčno območje:118.000 – 136.992 MHz
      Frekvenčni razmik med kanali (izbirno):25 kHz / 8.33 kHz auto selection

      Vrsta modulacije:

      A3E (AM)
      Število spominskih kanalov (12 alfanumeričnih znakov za opis kanala):200
      Antenski priključek:M type (50 Ω)
      Napajanje:13.75 V DC / 27.5 V DC

      Poraba toka (pri 13.75 V DC):


      5.0 A max.

      4.0 A (AF max.)
      0.5 A (stanje pripravljenosti)
      Stabilnost frekvence:±1 ppm (0°C to +40°C)
      Temperaturno območje:–20°C to +55°C


      Izhodna moč (pri 13.75GV)
      (Carrier Power):
      (–20°C to +55°C)
      Modulacija:Linear 85%
      Max. 95%
      Neželeno sevanje:
      (*Harmonično/Ne-harmonično, 30MHz - 1GHz)
      manj kot –36 dBm
      manj kot –46 dBm*
      Impedanca mikrofona:600 Ω


      Vmesna frekvenca:(1.) 38.85 MHz
      (2.) 450 kHz
      Občutljivost:1.8 μV (12dB SINAD)
      Selektivnost: 8.33 kHz
      25 kHz ch
      2.778/7.37kHz (6 dB/60dB)
      8/25kHz (6dB/60dB)
      Spurious response:več kot 70 dB
      Audio izhodna moč
      Interni SP (8Ω load)
      Zunanji SP (8Ω load)
      Slušalke (500Ω load):
      (10% popačenje, 60% modulacija)
      1.5W tipično
      več kot 10W
      več kot 100mW

      Naprava je skladna z naslednjim U.S vojaškimi specifikacijami

      Standard:MIL 810 G
      Nizek pritisk500.5I,II
      Visoka temperatura501.5I,II
      Nizka temperatura502.5I,II
      Temperaturni sunek503.5I-C
      Solarna radiacija505.5I

      Ustreza tudi ekvivalentnim MIL-STD-810-C, -D, -E in -F.

      Stopnja zaščite pred trdnimi delci in vplivi vode

      Stopnja zaščite pred vdori
      Prah in vodaIP54 (zaščita pred trdimi delci in vodo)

        V kompletu z radijsko postajo IC-A120E se nahaja:
        • ročni mikrofon, HM-216
        • DC priključni kabel
        • držalo z amikrofon
        • nosilci za vgradnjo
        • varovalke

        Dimenzija (Š×V×D):
        161 mm × 45 mm × 175 mm

        Teža (pribl.):
        1.5 kg



        1.211,46€  DDV vključen v ceno
        Yaesu FTA-250L (AA002N001)
        Yaesu FTA-250L
        The new FTA-250L is an ultra-compact (W52 x H105 x D30mm) and competitively priced COMM ONLY transceiver.

        The new FTA-250L includes all basic features and functions which many operators need for the airband AM communication

        • 5 Watts TX Output Power (Air Band: AM 5W P.E.P., 1.5W carrier)
        • Compact Design, Measuring W2.1" x H4.1" x D1.2" (52 x 105 x 30 mm)
        • Loud Audio (700 mW)
        • 8.33 kHz Narrow Band Compatible
        • Noise-Cancelling Function for both Transmit and Receive Audio
        • 250 Memory Channels
        • Includes High-Capacity Rechargeable Li-ion Battery Pack (7.4 V 1950 mAh)
        • External-DC input for Operation and Charging
        • AF Pitch Control
        • Flip Flop Last Channel Recall
        • Dual Watch
        • Back-lit Keypad and Display with Dimmer
        • PC Programmable (Requires Optional USB Cable: SCU-37)

        Supplied Accessories:
        • Antenna Belt Clip (SHB-18)
        • Li-ion Battery Pack (SBR-25LI 7.4V, 1950 mAh)
        • Charger Cradle (SBH-22)
        • Cigarette Lighter DC/DC Converter (SDD-12)
        • Headset Adapter Cable (SCU-15)
        • Operating Manual Warranty Card AC Adapter (SAD-20)

        Owner's Manual:

        288,16€  DDV vključen v ceno
        Yaesu FTA-450L (AA001N025)

        Yaesu FTA-450L
        The new FTA-450L is a competitively price COMM ONLY version transceiver, sharing the same core feature set and the compatible accessories as the FTA-550.

        The new FTA-450L provides 5W TX power output power and has a Large Full-Dot Matrix Display featuring the Easy-to-Operate icon driven menu system. The loud 800mW internal audio speaker guarantees the call will not be missed. 8.33kHz narrow band compatible, and with a programmable 200 channels up to 15 alphanumeric characters, all favourite channels can be easily stored and retrieved with just a few button presses. Valued packaged with all the necessary accessories, including 220VAC and 12VDC chargers, headset adapter, Alkaline battery tray, Belt Clip, USB programming cable, and a large capacity 1800mAh Li-Ion rechargeable battery


        Easy to Operate Menu System
        The FTA-450 comes configured with an easy to operate icon driven menu system. The displays and menu settings are logically configured for a more intuitive user interface.

        Huge Dot Matrix Display (160 x 160 dots)
        The FTA-450 features a huge 1.7" x 1.7" full dot matrix LCD display with full backlight and dimmer. The high resolution display makes it easier to view all the great features the FTA-450 has to offer.

        200 Memory channels with up to 15 Alphanumeric characters
        The FTA-450 can store up to 200 Memory channels for quick and easy retrieval. With the capability of using up to 15 Alphanumeric characters per name the FTA-450 allows for a better channel description.

        Owner's Manual:

        365,02€  DDV vključen v ceno
        Yaesu FTA-550AA (AA001N016)

        Yaesu FTA-550E Airband VHF Handheld Transceiver with ILS and VOR Navigation (with AA Battery Tray)

        The FTA-550 Pro-X Airband transceiver incorporate an advanced user interface featuring a dot matrix display ensuing intuitive operation and optimized performance. The FTA-550E is fully compliant with current CAA regulations regarding the use of 8.33kHz channels spacing for transmit and receive.

        Key Features:

        • 5 watt TX output power ( Air band AM 5W PEP typical 1.5W carrier)
        • Large 1.7" x 1.7" ( 43.2mm x 43,2mm) Dot matrix display ( 160 x 160 dots)
        • ILS navigation display
        • VOR Navigation capability
        • 200 memory channel with 15 alphanumeric characters per memory
        • Back-Lit keypad and display with dimmer control
        • Water protection - IPX5 rating
        • Loud Audio (800mw)
        • includes Alkaline Battery Tray ( 6 x AA).


        Frequency RangeTX: 118.000 MHz to 136.975 MHz
        RX: 108.000 MHz to 136.975Mhz (NAV and COM Band)
        Channel Spacing25kHz and 8.33kHz
        Emission TypeTX: AM
        RX: AM
        Supply Voltage6.0 to 9.5v DC
        Current Consumption (approx)300μA Power OFF
        70mA Battery Saver ON. Sver Ratio 50%
        80mA Squelch ON
        300mA Receiver
        0.9A Transmit ( 1.5W carrier)
        Temperature Range-10°C to +60°C (14°F to 140°F )
        Antennae ConnectorBNC
        Case Size (WxHxD02.4" x 5.2" x 1.3" (62 x 133 x 34mm) with SBR-12U
        Weight410gm (14.5oz) with SBR-12U and Antenna
        Circuit TypeDouble Conversion Superhet
        IF47.25MHz and 450KHz
        SensitivityBetter than 0.8μV (for 6dB S/N with 1KHz 30% Modulation)
        SelectivityBetter than 8kHz/-6dB
        Adjacent Channel SelectivityLess than 25kHz/-60dB
        AF Output (internal Speaker)0.8W @ 16ohms 10% THD
        Power Output5.0W (PEP) @ 1.5W carrier Power)
        Frequency StabilityBetter than ±1ppm(-10°C to +60°C)
        Modulation SystemLow level Amplitude Modulation
        Spurious Emissions> 70dB below Carrier
        Internal Microphone TypeCondenser
        External Microphone Type150Ω


        • FTA-550 Radio body
        • Dry Cell battery pack
        • Cigarette Lighter DC/DC charging cable
        • Antennae
        • Belt Clip
        • Headset Adaptor Cable
        • USB cable for programming memories
        • User Manual

        Owner's Manual:
        Operating Manual for the FTA550/FTA750

        316,35€  DDV vključen v ceno
        Yaesu FTA-550L (AA001N018)

        FTA-550E Airband VHF Handheld Transceiver with ILS and VOR Navig (with Lithium Ion Battery)

        The FTA-550 Pro-X Airband transceiver incorporate an advanced user interface featuring a dot matrix display ensuing intuitive operation and optimized performance. The FTA-550E is fully compliant with current CAA regulations regarding the use of 8.33kHz channels spacing for transmit and receive.

        Key Features:

        • 5 watt TX output power ( Air band AM 5W PEP typical 1.5W carrier)
        • Large 1.7" x 1.7" ( 43.2mm x 43,2mm) Dot matrix display ( 160 x 160 dots)
        • ILS navigation display
        • VOR Navigation capability
        • 200 memory channel with 15 alphanumeric characters per memory
        • Back-Lit keypad and display with dimmer control
        • Water protection - IPX5 rating
        • Loud Audio (800mw)
        • includes high capacity Rechargeable Li-ion Battery pack ( 7.4v 1800mAh).
        • includes Alkaline Battery Tray ( 6 x AA).


        Frequency Range TX: 118.000 MHz to 136.975 MHz
        RX: 108.000 MHz to 136.975Mhz (NAV and COM Band)
        Channel Spacing 25kHz and 8.33kHz
        Emission Type TX: AM
        RX: AM
        Supply Voltage 6.0 to 9.5v DC
        Current Consumption (approx) 300μA Power OFF
        70mA Battery Saver ON. Sver Ratio 50%
        80mA Squelch ON
        300mA Receiver
        0.9A Transmit ( 1.5W carrier)
        Temperature Range -10°C to +60°C (14°F to 140°F )
        Antennae Connector BNC
        Case Size (WxHxD0 2.4" x 5.2" x 1.3" (62 x 133 x 34mm) with SBR-12U
        Weight 410gm (14.5oz) with SBR-12U and Antenna
        Circuit Type Double Conversion Superhet
        IF 47.25MHz and 450KHz
        Sensitivity Better than 0.8μV (for 6dB S/N with 1KHz 30% Modulation)
        Selectivity Better than 8kHz/-6dB
        Adjacent Channel Selectivity Less than 25kHz/-60dB
        AF Output (internal Speaker) 0.8W @ 16ohms 10% THD
        Power Output 5.0W (PEP) @ 1.5W carrier Power)
        Frequency Stability Better than ±1ppm(-10°C to +60°C)
        Modulation System Low level Amplitude Modulation
        Spurious Emissions > 70dB below Carrier
        Internal Microphone Type Condenser
        External Microphone Type 150Ω


        • FTA-550 Radio body
        • Li-ion battery pack
        • Charger Cradle with AC Power supply
        • Cigarette Lighter DC/DC charging cable
        • Antennae
        • Belt Clip
        • Headset Adaptor Cable
        • Alkaline Battery Tray
        • USB cable for programming memories
        • User Manual

        Owner's Manual:
        Operating Manual for the FTA550/FTA750

        426,51€  DDV vključen v ceno
        Yaesu FTA-750L (AA001N024)

        FTA-750E Airband VHF Handheld Transceiver with Integral GPS, ILS (Localizer and Glide Slope) and VOR Navigation (with Lithium Ion Battery)

        The FTA-750 Spirit Airband transceiver incorporate an advanced user interface featuring a dot matrix display ensuing intuitive operation and optimized performance. The FTA-750E is fully compliant with current CAA regulations regarding the use of 8.33kHz channels spacing for transmit and receive.

        Key Features:

        • 5 watt TX output power ( Air band AM 5W PEP typical 1.5W carrier)
        • Large 1.7" x 1.7" ( 43.2mm x 43,2mm) Dot matrix display ( 160 x 160 dots)
        • ILS navigation display
        • VOR Navigation display
        • Integrated 66 channel WAAS GPS receiver
        • Waypoint navigation and GPS waypoint logging ¹
        • 200 memory channel with 15 aplhanumberic characters per memory
        • Back-Lit keypad and display with dimmer control
        • Water protection - IPX5 rating
        • Loud Audio (800mw)
        • includes high capacity Rechargeable Li-ion Battery pack ( 7.4v 1800mAh).
        • inlcudes Alkaline Battery Tray ( 6 x AA).

        ¹ YCE01PC Programming software (available online) is required to view GPS logging data.


        Frequency Range TX: 118.000 MHz to 136.975 MHz
        RX: 108.000 MHz to 136.975Mhz (NAV and COM Band)
        Channel Spacing 25kHz and 8.33kHz
        Emission Type TX: AM
        RX: AM
        Supply Voltage 6.0 to 9.5v DC
        Current Consumption (approx) 300μA Power OFF
        70mA Battery Saver ON. Sver Ratio 50%
        80mA Squelch ON
        300mA Receiver
        0.9A Transmit ( 1.5W carrier)
        Temperature Range -10°C to +60°C (14°F to 140°F )
        Antennae Connector BNC
        Case Size (WxHxD) 2.4" x 5.2" x 1.3" (62 x 133 x 34mm) with SBR-12U
        Weight 410gm (14.5oz) with SBR-12U and Antenna
        Circuit Type Double Conversion Superhet
        IF 47.25MHz and 450KHz
        Sensitivity Better than 0.8μV (for 6dB S/N with 1KHz 30% Modulation)
        Selectivity Better than 8kHz/-6dB
        Adjacent Channel Selectivity Less than 25kHz/-60dB
        AF Output (internal Speaker) 0.8W @ 16ohms 10% THD
        Power Output 5.0W (PEP) @ 1.5W carrier Power)
        Frequency Stability Better than ±1ppm(-10°C to +60°C)
        Modulation System Low level Amplitude Modulation
        Spurious Emissions > 70dB below Carrier
        Internal Microphone Type Condenser
        External Microphone Type 150Ω
        GPS UNIT
        Receiver Channels 66
        Sensitivity better than -147dBm
        Time to First Fix 1 Minute typical (@ Cold Start)
        5 Seconds typical ( @ Hot Start)
        Geodetic Datum WGS84
        Specifications are subject to change without notice or obligation


        • FTA-750 Radio body
        • SBR-12Li Li-ion battery pack
        • SBH-11 Charger Cradle with SAD-11C AC Power supply
        • SDD-12 Cigarette Lighter DC/DC charging cable
        • SRA-13A Antenna
        • SHB-11 Belt Clip
        • SCU-15 Headset Adaptor Cable
        • SBT-12 Alkaline Battery Tray
        • T9101606 USB cable for programming memories
        • User Manual

        Owner's Manual:
        Operating Manual for the FTA750/FTA550

        528,99€  DDV vključen v ceno
        Yaesu FTA-850L (AA003N001)

        FTA-850E Color Screen Aviation Radio with GPS and Bluetooth

        Introducing the Yaesu FTA-850L portable airband transceiver, precisely engineered to meet the requirements of top aviators. Boasting top tier features like a 2.4" full-color TFT display, enhanced navigtion features using ILS, VOR, or GPS, and a 400 channel memory bank. Forget the wires, featuring a Built-in bluetooth module allowing operation with a commercially available bluetooth headset, or use with Yaesu's optional SSM-BT10 headset.

        Built around an ultra-durable polycarbonate housing, the FTA-850L meets the IPX-5 water proof rating, and the stringent MIL-STD-810H standards.

        Packaged with:
        • a high capacity 2200mAh Lithium-Ion battery,
        • Headset adapter,
        • 100-240VAC charger,
        • 12VDC charger/Power cable,
        • drop in charging cradle,
        • backup Alkaline battery tray,
        • heavy duty belt clip,
        • User manual
        All backed by an industry leading 3 year waterproof warranty.

        Key Features:
        • Oversized 2.4" TFT Color Display (240 x 320 pixel)
        • Dual Frequency Display
        • Wireless Bluetooth operation
        • ILS Navigation Display (localizer and Glide Slope)
        • VOR Navigation Display
        • Integrated 66 Channel WAAS GPS Receiver
        • Waypoint Navigation
        • 8.33 kHz Narrow Band Compatible
        • 400 Memory Channels with 14 Character Alphanumeric Tags
        • Water Protection - IPX5 Rating
        • Rugged Construction: Certified to MIL-STD-810H
        • Loud Audio Output
        • PC Programmable (USB Cable Included)

        ILS Navigation (Localizer and Glide Slope)
        When the FTA-850L receives an ILS signal, the display will automatically switch to the NAV band screen which shows a CDI (Course Deviation Indicator) based on the received localizer signal or the glide slope signal. Course and height deviation are clearly presented on the color CDI display, and aid with the landing approach under bad weather conditions.

        VOR Navigation
        When the FTA-850L receives a VOR signal, the display automatically switches to the NAV band screen and shows the CDI. The top of the compass rose always indicates the direction set as the OBS. The SOG (Speed Over Ground) is displayed only when the FTA-850L internal GPS unit is activated and a fix is acquired.

        Flight-Route Display and Navigation
        The Flight Route Navigation feature clearly presents the traveling route, listing the waypoints from the departure point to the final destination, including the current position where Navigation is being performed. Route, Location and travel status can be assessed at a glance. Navigation is also displayed on an easy-to-read color compass screen.

        Dual Frequency Display
        DD (Dual Frequency Display) screen presents two frequencies separately on the top and bottom of the screen. The most recently tuned information (Comm Frequency, Memory group and Weather channel) are always set into the active channel automatically. the target mode and channel can easily be switched between different modes using the DD screen, without going through the MENU.

        Owner's Manual:
        Operating Manual for the FTA850

        Programming Software:
        FTA-850L YCE46 PC Programming Software (V1.0.0.0)

        547,48€  DDV vključen v ceno
        Yaesu SCU-15 adapter za slušalke (SCU-42)
        Yaesu SCU-15
        The Yaesu SCU-15 Headset Adaptor Cable is compatible with: FTA-250L, FTA-450L, FTA-550 AA, FTA-550L and FTA-750L models.
        52,52€  DDV vključen v ceno
        Icom OPC-478UC kabel za programiranje (OPC-478UC)
        Icom OPC-478UC Programming Cable
        Icom OPC-478UC Programming Cable for USB gate

        Compatible with: IC-R20, IC-RX7, IC-A6E, IC-A24E, ...
        68,32€  DDV vključen v ceno
        Icom OPC-592 za programiranje (OPC-592)
        Icom OPC-592 Adapter Cable
        Icom OPC-592 adapter Cable to combine with OPC-478 for following transceivers programming:
        • IC-A110EURO
        • IC-A120EURO
        • ....
        23,50€  DDV vključen v ceno
        Handheld programming cable
        Kabel za programiranje FTA-250L (SCU-37)
        USB kabel za programiranje ročne radijske postaje Yaesu FTA-250L
        21,90€  DDV vključen v ceno
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